Session 2 Part B: Reading and Writing for Critical Analysis and Evaluation

You’ve made it to the final part of this dreadful exam! Here, you must also write an essay in this part of the exam. Ugh! I know, I agree. But just hang on! In this part’s essay, recall two works of literature you have read in the past, and know well, that also relate to the given quote. It may a novel, poem, speech or even a short story. The one’s we’ve read in school can be used too. You should know this form of essay well. It’s called “critical lens.” You know? Things like theme, characterization, point of view and conflict. The format of a critical lens essay is simple. First write your introduction that includes the quote, your interpretation of the quote, the two works of literature and the literary elements you’ve chosen to use, and whether you agree or disagree. Next, write your body paragraphs. You should have chosen at least two literary elements for each work of literature. Each work of literature deserves two paragraphs each, one for each literary element. Then finally conclude. Simply relate back to the quote and make a connection to the world.

Congratulations! You’ve completed the NYS English Regent’s Exam!

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